CORDIS shares B-GOOD’s results

Earlier this month, our project coordinator Prof. Dirk de Graaf (Ghent University) collaborated with CORDIS on writing and publishing an article about B-GOOD. The article, titled Data-driven support for Europe’s beekeepers, is available in six languages on their website and is part of the Results in Brief section, which gives a summary of the main outcomes at the end of every project, explaining the achievements and highlighting the next steps.

© Eduardo López/

Over the last four years, B-GOOD has delivered multiple results and has created a solid foundation towards a sustainable future for honey bees and beekeepers. The article on CORDIS highlighted the following achievements:

  • Automated Data Collection: The project introduced automated data collection from beehives to monitor parameters like colony weight, temperature, and sound;

  • Algorithm Development: Algorithms were developed to detect issues in bee colonies early and provide alerts and tailored guidance to beekeepers;

  • Landscape Suitability Maps: The project created maps based on flower types and blooming periods to determine suitable regions for bees across Europe;

  • Virtual Landscape Simulator: A virtual landscape simulator was developed to help understand how bees respond to different environments;

  • Cost Considerations: While the technology is currently expensive, costs are expected to decrease over time, making it more accessible for beekeepers;

  • Future Adoption: The project aims to continue building on its findings to eventually facilitate the adoption of these technologies in apiculture.


The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission's primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation, from FP1 to Horizon Europe. Their mission is to bring research results to professionals in the field to foster open science, create innovative products and services and stimulate growth across Europe. Read more about it here.

Read the full article here.