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New media article showcases lateral flow devices (LFDs)
B-GOOD's lateral flow device was covered in an article of the Australian news website Mirage. The article titled "Small testing strips aid in bee protection" describes the work of Zhejiang university in the development and implementation of the lateral flow device (LFD) technology.
Photo: Lateral Flow Devices. Credit: Mang Xu.
The article points out that compared with traditional methods for detection of pesticides, the LFD is more operable, sensitive, simple and rapid. LFDs are considered to be a well-fitted complement to other methods for pesticide testing. The article mentions the partnership between Zhejiang university and Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), and the LFD promotion by Waterdrinker, a larger flower company in the Netherlands. It mentions the application and development of the LFD within the B-GOOD project.
On 26 May B-GOOD held its workshop about new technologies for beekeeping. The event titled "Hands-on neonicotinoid detection using the dual-channel neonicotinoid lateral flow device prototype" was organised by Wageningen Food Safety Research and focused on the presentation of the dual channel neonicotinoid lateral flow device prototype.
Read the full article about LFDs here.