Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making
Junior Researcher position at University of Coimbra (project "CONTROLVESPA")
The University of Coimbra opens an international tender to fill one vacancy for the position of junior research under a newly approved project "CONTROLVESPA", with the following characteristics:
- Carry out field activities within the scope of the project, namely monitoring the development of technological strategies for remote detection of Vespa velutina nigrithorax nests.
- Conduct ecotoxicological tests in laboratory and field activities to assess the effects of selected plant protection products in V.v. nigrithorax.
- Articulate field work with external partners.
- Promote and organize actions for the dissemination of Science and dissemination of results within the CONTROLVESPA project.
The gross monthly wage is 2.134,73 euros, the duration of the contract is 3 years and its potential recipients shall:
be at least 18 years of age or older, not be inhibited to holding a job in the public sector, nor forbidden to perform the intended position;
also be in good health and possess the psychological profile required for the job;
Applicants shall meet the compulsory vaccination requirements, in accordance with Article 17 of Law nr. 35/2014, of June 20th, in its latest version;
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in the scientific areas of Exact and Natural Sciences, Biological Sciences, or in a correlated one, in which case the applicant's scientific background shall demonstrate the ability to thoroughly develop work in the main fields of the tender;
Applicants who are non-native speakers of either Portuguese or English shall attest their proficiency at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in, at least, one of those languages.
Place of work - Unidade 4004 – Centro de Ecologia Funcional, no Departamento de Ciências da Vida, da FCTUC.
To apply for the position, Applicants must access and register on the electronic platform, to submit their application. The deadline is 24/09/2021 at 23:00 (BST).
For more information about the position and how to apply, please click here.
Good luck to everyone who wants to join the BUZZ!