B-GOOD is featured in the "Maandblad van de Vlaamse Imkersbond" Magazine

The B-GOOD project was recently featured in the Flemish beekeepers magazine "Maandblad van de Vlaamse Imkersbond" focused solely on the interests of those involved in professional beekeeping. B-GOOD’s story was featured in the magazine’s April 2022 edition (108 volume, no.3).

In the report titled "First B-GOOD reviewing period (Part 1)",  B-GOOD’s project coordinator Prof. Dirk de Graaf of Ghent University showcases the progress made by B-GOOD in the first half of its lifetime.

Photo: The cover of  "Maandblad van de Vlaamse Imkersbond" magazine (left) & article spread (right).

The article features an overview of:

  • The definition of a ‘bee health’ and ‘healthy bee colonies’
  • B-GOOD’s goals
  • B-GOOD’s research developments and outcomes
  • B-GOOD technologies
  • Development of health status index and the collection of "Big Data"
  • The BEEP base & app

Next month, in the second part of the report, Prof. de Graaf will talk about the innovative "tools" developed in the B-GOOD project, the dynamic landscape models and the socio-economic component of the project.

You can see the full article (in Dutuch) here.