Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making
The current state of pollinator research: European Research Executive Agency workshop
The European Research Executive Agency (REA) hosted a workshop on 10. October to examinе the current pollinator situation, pinpoint substantial knowledge gaps, as well as their potential solutions resulting from EU-funded projects supporting pollinators.
A welcome speech by Paul Webb of the REA was followed by discussions on the insights gained from the EU's international research initiatives and most important next steps for both research and policy. Sofie Hofkens from DG SANTE and Vujadin Kovacevic from DG ENV gave a presentation on the EU Policy Setting on pollinators, giving participants the chance to delve further into the topic.
The next round of speakers included representatives from significant EU pollinator research initiatives as B-GOOD, PoshBee, Safeguard, Ecostack, and SPRING. In addition to learning about the most crucial challenges and solutions identified by each project, participants were involved in discussions on the significance of pollinators in agricultural systems, pollinator monitoring approaches, and potential knowledge gaps.
Stay tuned for the report being prepared based on these exchanges!