Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making
New B-GOOD video: Merging BEEP base offline data with database data
A new B-GOOD video titled "How to merge BEEP base offline data with database data" demonstrates theBEEP base, a monitoring tool and a digital logbook for beekeepers. The BEEP monitoring system which includes the BEEP base and the BEEP app, is developed by the BEEP Foundation within the B-GOOD project.
The video demonstrate the detailed process of the BEEP base offline data with database data. The BEEP platform is an 'open research' platform, which allows you to obtain high-quality data and monitor bee colonies in a harmonised and standardised way. To allow for this harmonisation in data collection, the BEEP foundation has compiled a standardised data model.
You can watch the video here.